Do You Like to Write?
We welcome unsolicited editorial contributions. See the guidelines below for submitting an article for NACS Magazine or the NACS Daily e-newsletter:
Submitting Articles for NACS Magazine
Writers who wish to submit articles to NACS Magazine should send brief pitches (200 words or less) nstead of full-length articles. Briefly summarize your article proposal and relevant experience. We do not accept articles or parts of articles that have been published elsewhere. 
Submissions should be sent by e-mail to: The subject line should say: NACS Magazine Editorial Submission.
Submitting Articles for NACS Daily
Writers submitting to the NACS Daily e-newsletter are encouraged to send brief pitches (100 words or less) instead of full-length articles. Briefly summarize your article proposal and relevant experience. We do not accept articles or parts of articles that have been published elsewhere. 
Submissions should be sent by e-mail to: The subject line should say: NACS Daily Editorial Submission.