A boulder with the nickname “the money-maker” has been removed from outside a Shell gas station in Leduc, Alberta, in Canada, after many unsuspecting drivers were getting stranded on top of the rock, which was placed there to keep cars from driving over the curb. But if drivers pulled too sharply to the right to enter the parking lot or were driving while distracted, they got stuck on the rock and became in need of a tow—hence the nickname, created by the tow truck drivers called to the parking lot several times a week. However, some Leduc locals were sad to see the source of pain—and amusement—carted away.

Curb Appeal
With many frequent stops at convenience stores, some customers might sometimes feel like they live in one. Well, one man in New Orleans actually does. He converted a 100-year-old gas station into a two-bedroom, two-bathroom home with plenty of room for parking (of course). The exterior clearly looks like a gas station, with the former Sinclair sign on top of the home, and a covered carport where the fuel island clearly sat. The interior is more subtle, but still pays homage to its original purpose with high ceilings and exposed metal beams, concrete floors and pops of red. Home sweet home!
Convenient Art
A gas station may be the last place you’d expect to see a piece of fine art, but at Kum & Go Marketplace in Little Rock, Arkansas, an ornately decorated ampersand sculpture sits proudly outside the convenience store, greeting customers. Different aspects of the city are painted on the sculpture, like the Arkansas River Trail, Port of Little Rock and local Central High School. Kum & Go Corporate is behind the sculpture, with the company commissioning local artists to create these for select locations in the 11 states where they have stores. The goal of the artwork is to encourage community pride.