Introducing the NACS State of the Industry Talent Insights Dashboard

Introducing the NACS State of the Industry Talent Insights Dashboard

April 2024   minute read

NACS’ annual compensation study aggregates convenience industry-specific compensation, total rewards and retention data to help retailers build a competitive compensation strategy. To ensure you can use NACS compensation data to its fullest potential, NACS has created an interactive dashboard that aids data visualization and helps retailers hire strategically and benchmark against peers in the industry.

The NACS State of the Industry Talent Insights Dashboard® provides the most current year’s human resource benchmarking data, highlighting the key categories of compensation, turnover, benefits and recruitment. It’s all the same data and insights human resources professionals were used to seeing in the former Compensation Report, and is wholly collected from convenience retailers.

“This is a game-changer—no more scrolling through pages and pages of a static PDF. You’ll be able to easily and quickly find and access the benchmarking data you need,” said Jayme Gough, NACS research manager. Purchase access to the Dashboard.

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