Make Your Voice Heard at Day on the Hill

By voicing your perspectives and sharing your challenges, you can help members of Congress understand how the issues that they vote on affect your business.

Make Your Voice Heard at Day on the Hill

February 2025   minute read

NACS’ annual Day on the Hill is one of the best opportunities for you to get in front of lawmakers, share your story and advocate for the convenience industry. This year’s event will take place March 11-12, 2025, in Washington, D.C.

By voicing your perspectives and sharing your challenges, you enhance lawmakers’ understanding of the issues that they cast their votes on. NACS schedules your Congressional meetings and pairs you with other convenience retailers and experienced advocates.

The team will also prepare you to meet with legislators during the two-day event, providing you with the necessary training and resources, including videos, webinars and briefing materials, before visiting Capitol Hill. The informational general session that takes place the day before meetings helps you understand the issues and gives you the opportunity to network with industry peers from around the nation.

Day on the Hill is an invaluable chance to interact not just with your representatives but with fellow retailers who face similar challenges and share similar concerns. Together, you can exchange experiences, insights and best practices, strengthening the collective resilience of our industry. For more information, go to NACS Day on the Hill Page or contact Katie Bohny at

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