Talent acquisition and retention are two critical elements of success. How does your company compare when it comes to investing in your workforce? When it comes to compensation, how does your business compare to benchmarks and standards across the convenience retailing industry? Is your offer competitive? Are you offering more than you need to? Not offering enough to attract and retain good talent?
NACS can help you get answers. Participate in the latest NACS State of the Industry Compensation Report—the most current, industry-specific benchmarking snapshot of employee compensation. In exchange for your data, as a survey participant, you will receive—free!—the full comprehensive report (a $275 value) when it's published in the spring.
The NACS State of the Industry Compensation Report provides convenience and fuel retailers with fresh insights into their company’s benefits and HR topics. Discover access to the newest data offered by c-store retailers nationwide—dissected by firm size, U.S. region and location type (rural, urban).
For nearly 40 years, companies have relied on this report for the most accurate snapshot of:
- Salaries (includes annual base salaries, other compensation and wage increases)
- Turnover (displayed by region, firm size and top quartile)
- Benefits by position and exemption status (medical, health care cost as a percentage of payroll, percentage of enrollment and company contribution)
- Recruitment (new hires, cost to hire and screening tools)
- And more!
NEW for 2018: Additional corporate positions, employee engagement surveys and breakout of voluntary/involuntary turnover.
Access and complete the confidential survey online—or share the link with members of your team. Your data will be treated confidentially; any reporting or references to survey results will be presented in aggregate form only. We need your support. The larger the sample size, the more data to analyze, which increases the quality of the report. The process of collecting and preparing your data for submission also helps you to understand your business better and prepares you to benchmark against the industry. Your participation helps NACS, helps the industry and helps you.
For questions or assistance in completing the survey, contact NACS Research Analyst Jayme Gough at jgough@convenience.org or (703) 518-4226.