Five Insights From My First Year at NACS

Over the past year, I have visited more than 30 retailers in their stores and engaged with 20 others either virtually or at events. I now see the industry from a whole new perspective.

Five Insights From My First Year at NACS

January 2025   minute read

By April VanApeldorn

As 2024 closes and we kick off 2025, I couldn’t help but reflect on my first year as part of the NACS team.

Before joining NACS, I worked on the operations side of the industry for close to 20 years at companies including RaceTrac, Mapco Express and roam’nstop. Over the past year as Director of Retail Engagement—West, I have visited more than 30 retailers in their stores and engaged with 20 others either virtually or at events. I now see the industry from a whole new perspective.  

Here are five reflections from year one: 

  • Visiting NACS’ various members, small and large, was a rewarding and eye-opening experience. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about every company and the stories each had. Given my operations experience, I identified areas of opportunity for NACS to add focus to, as well as retailer needs or wants we may not have ever considered. I now was part of the industry change! 
  • All companies I have visited had similar issues regardless of size. In 2024, these often centered around theft, violence, labor, costs, food offerings, training and development of field staff. We hear you and want to help with your challenges. Feedback I shared from retailers helped establish our first Loss Prevention and Safety Symposium pop-up event in December. We are also now working internally on more training resources for members. 
  • As an operator, I only scratched the surface of what NACS is and what it has to offer. I was always impressed with NACS and viewed it as the industry champion that helped keep my business informed, current and connected. But there was so much I never knew. My job now is to ensure that other industry leaders are aware of the depth of resources available to them as members of NACS. NACS is a beacon for our industry, the driving force of knowledge, collaboration, inspiration and the voice of advocacy on issues that affect everyone in the business. NACS also has a ton of resources, training courses, webinars, an online store, advocacy information and much more. 
  • Community needs are a top focus for retailers. I saw this firsthand, particularly in Minnesota, where the desire to serve communities drives the stores’ expansive grocery offerings. But I know convenience retailers across the country put a big emphasis on serving their customers and communities and making a difference in their local area.  
  • I ate some great food. Jacksons’ revamped menu offerings and a proprietary burger I tried from MidWest really stood out.  

I am truly grateful to be part of this industry and part of the team that works so hard to drive it forward.  

If you have never done so, I urge you to visit the NACS website and see all the resources NACS offers, get involved, become more engaged and use your voice to help lead fuel and convenience forward. The difference it makes is truly remarkable. I look forward to bringing more value to each of you this year. Let’s make 2025 the year we all THRIVE!

For more information, email me at

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