Next time you get a craving for a grasshopper, check out Toshiyuki Tomada’s vending machine in Kumamoto, Japan, which specializes in bringing insect snacks to hungry customers. Tomada placed the bug dispenser outside his balloon shop to raise awareness on environmental issues and enhance the appeal of edible insects. He was shocked after the machine sold 500 items in its first month—about $4,500 worth. Customers can choose from 10 different insect snacks, including a protein bar with powdered crickets, salted crickets and even a tinned tarantula. Insects dipped in chocolate are also an option to satisfy a sweet craving. Bug—er, bon appĂ©tit!

A Saintly Message
Although the New Orleans Saints were not able to clench this year’s NFC Championship, the NOLA team can look back on its successes during the 2018 football season. Sure, fans can thank quarterback Drew Brees, but perhaps some credit is due to a 10-year-old tradition at a Metairie, Louisiana, gas station. Each week during football season, a large sign in front of TJM’s Chevron station greets customers with a clever message to encourage the NFL team to victory. The signs are the brain work of station owner Tim Marks and his wife, who come up with ideas over a cocktail—to spur creativity, of course. One of Marks’ favorite messages was a riff off a Talking Heads tune, displayed when the Saints played the San Francisco 49ers: “Ain’t no party. Ain’t no disco. It’s Saints whippin' Frisco.”
Going Bananas
A Des Moines man is behind bars after police say he assaulted a convenience store worker. His weapon of choice? A banana. The store clerk told the cops he was chased around the store as the man threw items at him, including a banana. The man faces multiple charges, while the convenience store will be selling bananas behind the counter from now on, we hope.