Cover Image: Virtual Day on the Hill team leads discuss strategy ahead of meetings with congressional representatives.
It’s never been more important for members of our industry to use their collective voice to advocate on consumer and fuel retailing issues before Congress. The industry has evolved dramatically over the past two years, and the way we interact with lawmakers has changed as well. Most business is conducted virtually, and in-person meetings on Capitol Hill are still restricted. However, that didn’t stop convenience retailers and suppliers from making their voices heard during the annual NACS Day on the Hill.
During March 8-9, NACS Virtual Day on the Hill provided a platform for 131 convenience retailers, suppliers and state association executives to share their stories and ask legislators for support on key policies impacting the industry.
This year’s group of advocates had 243 productive meetings with lawmakers from 46 states. Our retailers represented nearly 17,600 locations across the country—that’s over 11% of all convenience stores in the United States. Attendees met with lawmakers on the top three priorities for the convenience industry: advocating for competition on credit card swipe fees, a fair and competitive EV charging market and supporting legislation that allows SNAP customers to purchase hot foods.
With the rise in gasoline prices and inflation, the convenience industry has seen a historic jump in credit card swipe fees. This is because the largest portion of these fees are a percentage of transaction amounts. So, when prices go up, swipe fees act as an inflation multiplier.
The credit card market in the United States is broken, and swipe fees keep going up because there is no competition in the marketplace. Visa and Mastercard make up 80% of the credit card market. These two networks set the swipe fee rates that thousands of banks who issue their credit cards charge retailers. The companies then prohibit those banks from putting a second network on a card, so retailers, like those attending Virtual Day on the Hill, have no market choice and are stuck with high swipe fees.
This year, Virtual Day on the Hill teams asked Congress to support a legislative solution that would require two network routing options on a credit card, just like what already happens on debit cards. By introducing these routing options, retailers would have a choice of which network to route the transaction over, bringing some competitive pressure to how the networks set prices. If introduced, this legislation would provide much-needed relief to the convenience store industry and every business in America that accepts payment cards.
The White House and Congress are considering proposals to expand the electrification of the transportation sector, including more incentives beyond what was included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that President Biden signed into law at the end of 2021. Since the convenience and fuel retailing industry sells over 80% of motor fuels in the U.S., our industry needs to have a seat at the table while these debates happen in Washington, D.C. Convenience stores and gas stations are in every city, county and state across the nation, with convenient locations in rural and urban areas that will be key to offering new transportation energy, like electricity, to our customers.