Tapping the Neurodivergent Talent Pool

How to recruit, train and retain neurodiverse employees.

Tapping the Neurodivergent Talent Pool

September 2024   minute read

By: Stephenie Overman

“Disability does not equate to inability,” said job coach and recruiter Arwyn Swanger.

An estimated 15-20% of people are neurodivergent, a term that refers to the differences in brain function and information processing among individuals. Neurodivergence includes people on the autism spectrum as well as those with ADD or ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, dyslexia, obsessive compulsive disorder or a number of other sensory processing conditions.

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Stephenie Overman

Stephenie Overman

Stephenie Overman is a workplace writer and author of Next-Generation Wellness at Work.

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