With unemployment less than 4%, benchmarking your human resource metrics has never been so critical. Meaningful benchmarking can help you identify what success looks like—what’s working and whether your business is growing as fast as the industry.
Your participation in the NACS State of the Industry Compensation Report can help you benchmark against convenience industry averages to see how you measure up, where you are excelling and what strategies you can use to improve your business through your greatest assets: your people.
In exchange for taking part in the survey, you will receive a FREE full comprehensive report (a $349 value; $249 for members) with the newest industry data, analysis and insights that will help you to recruit and retain top talent. The deadline to submit your data is December 20.
The report provides a snapshot of the compensation picture in the convenience store industry, including wages and salaries, fringe benefits and turnover for a variety of positions typical of a convenience store business.
New for 2019: data on two new positions, overtime hours and cost, expanded hiring data and absenteeism.
NACS treats all data submitted by companies confidentially; any reporting or references to survey results will be presented in aggregate form only.
For more information or to take the survey, visit www.convenience.org/Research/NACSCompensationSurvey. For questions, contact NACS Research Analyst Jayme Gough at jgough@convenience.org or (703) 518-4226.