Held in late April, the NACS Leadership for Success program provided 20 rising c-store leaders from across the country—and one from Ireland!—an opportunity to discover their personal leadership strengths and grow their career.
Developed for district managers, supervisors and other convenience retailers who want to improve their work performance, the program focuses on arming participants with skills they can immediately use on the job to improve their leadership while creating a more positive, profitable and performance-oriented environment in their companies. A generous endowment by The Hershey Company makes the program affordable for retailers of all sizes.
This year’s participants learned to:
- Understand how their actions affect their personal effectiveness
- Discover how to work with others, as well as how others perceive them as a colleague
- Explore self-perception
- Define a vision of their ideal leader-self
- Improve leadership effectiveness and build better relationships
Using a variety of instructional methods, program facilitators helped participants develop the leadership skills that can make a difference and—just as importantly—apply what they learned to become the leader they want to be.
The six days of the onsite program were comprehensive and intense, but it’s just the beginning of the process for these participants. Throughout the six months after the program, team members apply what they learned through a group project and then present their experience at an education session at the 2019 NACS Show in Atlanta.
Support these emerging leaders by attending the Leadership for Success sessions at the NACS Show to see the results of their hard work. For more information about the 2020 Leadership for Success program, visit www.convenience.org/leadership.