Trash Trade

Trash Trade

March 2021   minute read

What can you do when a beloved player leaves your favorite sports team and you’re left with an outdated jersey? Some people bury it in the back of their closet or hang on to it, hoping it’ll be worth some cash one day, but one Houston car wash said it would take the jersey in exchange for a free car wash. The father and son who own the car wash were devastated when James Harden was traded to the Brooklyn Nets from the Houston Rockets, so they invited their community to “trash” their Harden jerseys at their car wash. No word on what the pair decided to do with the jerseys. We’re hoping a local charity got a nice influx of Harden wear.

No Shoes, No Problem

Jamie Lynn Spears channeled her sister Britney Spears on her Instagram by posing barefoot in front of a gas pump. She captioned her photo, “Pre-Pandemic Pic......Casually getting gas without wearing a mask..... or shoes? Bless her heart.” Big sis Britney was notorious for her gas station runs sans shoes, though Jamie Lynn admits that it is “gross.” I think most would agree with Jamie Lynn.

Order Up

What’s your gas station order? A recent TikTok trend had users sharing their preferred c-store treats. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, energy drinks, cured meats, candy and Arizona Iced Tea were common choices. Some users filmed their picks at an actual gas station, including a shot at Buc-ees with the caption “the croissant at the end CHANGED my life, only texans would understand this one #gasstationorder”. One user went as far as painting favorite gas station food brands on rocks, including Swedish Fish, Doritos and Lemonhead, among many others. The pandemic clearly gives some people lots of time to spare.

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