Overall, OTP remains in the shadow of cigarettes. According to the NACS State of the Industry Report® of 2023 Data, cigarettes brought in $45,232 per store, per month, while OTP trailed at $16,978 per store, per month. However, while cigarettes fell by 4.2%, OTP increased 6.5% year over year.
NIQ data tells a similar story, with cigarettes accounting for 24.2% of all c-store sales in the United States and OTP 9.9%. Nationally, NIQ shows that the ratio of cigarette sales to OTP sales is 2.44 to 1.
Regional breakdowns show variations nationally, and also give an indication of the relative popularity of smokeless alternative, a subcategory within OTP that includes nicotine pouches.
Smokeless alternative makes up 1.8% of all c-store sales nationally (17.9% of the OTP category). It’s weakest, relatively speaking, in Region 2, where it makes up 1.4% of all sales and 12.6% of OTP sales. It’s strongest in Region 6, where it makes up 2.4% of all c-store sales and 31.2% of the OTP category.