Top In-Store Categories

Top In-Store Categories

June 2019   minute read

In 2018, all top 10 in-store merchandise categories saw sales bumps, with the exception of cigarettes, packaged sweet snacks and milk. Cigarettes continue to lead the top 10 in sales dollars (not including foodservice) at $54,249 per store, per month, but at 14.4% margins. However, as more consumers transition from cigarettes to other tobacco products (OTP), margins more than double for OTP, compared to cigarettes. In the No. 2 spot, gross profit dollars for packaged beverages are just about equal to the next four categories combined.

Full insights and metrics are available in NACS State of the Industry Report of 2018 Data, available for purchase at

Top 10 Merchandise Categories (2018)

Source: CSX
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